Picture of <p>Lisa Olenik Dorman, Ph.D.</p>

Lisa Olenik Dorman, Ph.D.

504/ADA Coordinator, Director of Student Access Services and Professor of Physical Education and Sport Studies

(334) 833-4465
Picture of <p>Ms. Meredith Greene</p>

Ms. Meredith Greene

Learning Support Coordinator for Student Access Services

(334) 300-6680

Welcome to Student Access Services

Huntingdon College is committed to providing equal access to all facilities, programs, and services of the College. The College’s goal is to foster an environment free of discrimination and bias in which all qualified students have access to educational opportunities. Our Student Access Services program is consistent with relevant governmental statutes and regulations, including those pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (amended in 2008), Title IX of the Federal Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Assistance and Service Animal Policy

Arranging Accommodations

Student Access Services is happy to work with students with documented disabilities and temporary medical considerations (such as pregnancy, concussion, surgery recovery, etc.) to identify reasonable accommodations. Reasonable accommodations refer to modifications that provide students with disabilities equal access to college programs and activities. An accommodation is not considered reasonable if it fundamentally alters the essential elements of an academic program or course.

Please be aware that Student Access Services is not able to provide retroactive accommodations.

Follow the process outlined below labeled “Applying for Accommodations” to apply for academic accommodations or medical considerations.

Applying for Accommodations

To apply for academic accommodations, students should submit an application via the Student Health Portal (Pyramed). To access the application:

  1. Login to Google using your Hawks email
  2. Select the 9 dots next to your profile photo
  3. Scroll down and select the app called Pyramed
  4. Select the application, you will automatically be directed to the Student Health Portal
  5. Select the tab labeled Accommodations, then select Application from the dropdown menu
  6. Complete the application and upload corresponding medical documentation, be sure to view our guidelines listed on the Accommodations homepage in Pyramed

Once we have received your application, you will receive an email from Student Access Services confirming we have received your application.

Students can utilize/receive accommodations when they have been issued an approved accommodations letter from Student Access Services.

If you have any questions or are having difficulty navigating the Student Health Portal, reach out to us for assistance at SAS@hawks.sukamembaca.net.

We are happy to hold initial appointments for incoming students by phone. If at all possible, please submit documentation of your disability in advance so that we can review it prior to talking with you. Contact us as early as possible since some accommodations (e.g., electronic books) can take weeks to arrange. We want to be sure your needs are met in time for classes.

If you are a prospective student interested in receiving more information about the Student Access Services, please email SAS, at sas@hawks.sukamembaca.net

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