Behavioral Expectations

The following are general Huntingdon College expectations for the Huntingdon community.

The mission of Huntingdon College fosters intellectual and personal growth for all members of the College community. Students are responsible for maintaining standards of conduct that contribute to the maintenance of a positive living and learning environment. Students who violate these standards of conduct are subject to judicial procedures and/or an administrative hearing carried out on behalf of the College community by its designated representatives. The following sections describe behavioral standards and outline the judicial procedures that may be employed when a violation of those standards occurs.

Standard of Behavior

The College’s Honor Code provides students with academic and educational goals, as well as with a standard of behavior. When behavior inconsistent with the College’s standard is reported, whether the behavior occurs on- or off-campus, a senior administrative officer will meet with the students involved to discuss and adjudicate the matter. The significance of some actions may be determined in part by their context, or a series of minor infractions may add up to an overall pattern of behavior that is destructive to the community’s wellbeing. The primary criterion that will be used to determine the severity of any incident is the degree to which it jeopardizes the rights and opportunities for safety and growth of the other members of the College community. Factors that will be considered in applying this criterion include, but are not limited to, circumstances surrounding the act and the number and nature of prior offenses by the same individual.

The College takes seriously its commitment to enforce regulations, policies and procedures. Guiding principles in all cases where a student has committed an infraction shall be:

  • The overall philosophy of the College and its primary commitment to education.
  • The expectation that students will read carefully the published documents of the College and can, therefore, be held accountable for their contents.
  • Students are accountable for both the spirit and the intent of the law.
  • The Judicial Board may recommend specific consequences.
  • Members of the community called as witnesses shall, themselves, be subject to disciplinary action if their testimony is later shown to be false.

Statement of Conduct

The several sections and provisions of this Policy Statement are hereby declared to be independent and able to be severed, and if any section, subdivision, sentence, clause, or word be held void or non-enforceable, such holding shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other parts of this Policy Statement. The purpose of this statement is to identify those standards of conduct that Huntingdon College deems essential for fulfilling its educational mission and its community life. These standards shall govern the conduct of students and their guests on campus or at College-sponsored activities and functions elsewhere. All members of the College community are expected to familiarize themselves with the statements issued annually or more frequently by the College in handbooks or other official publications and announcements. Huntingdon College is committed to preserving the exercise of freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom of discussion and expression, and the right of petition and of peaceful assembly. Note should be taken that a student who exercises his or her rights as a private citizen, whether individually or as a member of a group, must assume full responsibility for the consequences of his or her actions, and must not identify his or her position or actions as representing the College.

Rights and freedoms imply duties and responsibilities, and all of these require orderly procedures for implementation. In order to fulfill its functions as an educational institution and to protect the rights of all members of the College community, Huntingdon College has the right to protect and the duty to maintain order within the College and to exclude persons who disrupt the educational process. Where circumstances require, the College may call upon civil authority to maintain order. Decisions of the Judicial Board that relate to academic violations will be provided to the Office of the President and the Provost and Dean of the College. Huntingdon College considers disciplinary proceedings and determinations to be private and confidential to the student, except to the extent the College determines, in its sole discretion, other people or entities should be informed.

Huntingdon College considers cultivation of self-discipline to be of primary importance in the educational process and essential to the development of responsible citizens. All students are expected to conduct themselves, both within the College and elsewhere, in such a manner as to be a credit to themselves and to the College. As responsible men and women, they are expected to seek the resolution of all issues through the process of reason. Moreover, they have a responsibility to comply with local, state, and federal laws, and with all College policies and regulations. In a community of learning, individual or group conduct that is unlawful, that disrupts or interferes with the educational process, that causes destruction of property, or that otherwise infringes on the rights of other members of the College community or of the College itself, cannot and will not be tolerated. Students within the residence halls will be held fully accountable for the actions of their guests and fully responsible for violations that occur in the Residence Hall room.

Prohibited conduct at College-sponsored events, or elsewhere, for which students or their guests are subject to legal or disciplinary action, includes, without limitation, the following kinds of willful acts listed alphabetically:

Computer Users’ Privileges and Responsibilities for Huntingdon College Computing Resources

Use for academic and administrative purposes (such as research and/or preparation of assignments) is primary while all other uses are secondary. For detailed information regarding the privileges and responsibilities go to Computer Users’ Privileges and Responsibilities for Huntingdon College Computing Resources.

Criminal Activity Off-Campus

Huntingdon College enjoys and strives to maintain constructive, harmonious relationships with the residents of Montgomery and neighboring communities. Students must respect the rights and property of those who live and work in these communities. Students who violate this principle and/or whose behavior jeopardizes the College’s positive relationship with local communities may, if applicable, be subject to criminal/civil prosecution. The College may take disciplinary action separately from any civil or criminal proceedings and may not be subject to challenge on the grounds that criminal charges involving the same off-campus incident are in litigation or have been dismissed.


As it is difficult to accurately determine degrees of culpability, all students present in a room or area at the time of a violation, as reasonably determined by the appropriate officials, will be held responsible for said violation. Students are advised in advance to avoid situations which may put them at risk of disciplinary action.

Dishonest Conduct

Honesty is a core value of our campus community. Students are expected to be personally honest, never knowingly to furnish false information to the College, and never to forge, alter, or misuse documents, records or identification.

Disorderly Conduct/Disruption

The following is unacceptable behavior: obstruction, disruption, or attempts at obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration disciplinary procedures, or other College or College-authorized activities, functions, events, or operations; blocking the entrance or exit of any College facility or vehicular traffic on or adjacent to College property; or disorderly conduct, failure to comply with direction of a College official or policy, obscene conduct or expression, or participation in a riot. (Some examples include, but are not limited to: shouting down public speakers, false fire alarms, tampering with smoke alarms or other fire equipment.)

Failure to Comply

Students are expected to comply with the reasonable request of a College employee or authorized agent who is fulfilling the responsibility of his or her position.

Firearms, Fireworks, Explosives and Weapons

The College campus is inappropriate for dangerous objects. The possession, use, or discharge of firearms, fireworks and other explosive devices, or weapons of any kind are prohibited (examples listed below).

It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his/her possession a firearm or non-firing replica, black powder firearm, gas operated gun, air gun, zip gun, blank gun or starter’s pistol, flare gun, knife, straight razor, razor blade, box cutter, Exacto knife, carpet knife, or paint scraper with retractable razor blade, or any other item that utilizes a razor blade or other replaceable blade, brass knuckles, sling shot, club, bow & arrow, crossbow, numchucks (Nanchaku), throwing stars, fighting claw, or any other weapon utilized in the martial arts, explosive devices of any type including fireworks, tear gas, or stun gun, or other items that contain a knife blade or fingernail file that has been sharpened in such a way as to cut or puncture, bicycle or other heavy duty chain fashioned as a weapon, bull whip, bike sprocket fashioned as a weapon (brass knuckles), ice pick, sword or sword cane, spear, hatchet, hand ax, baton, impact baton, blackjack or nightstick, spring billy, or any device capable of discharging a projectile of any kind, or any other object not specifically listed that is primarily meant and adapted for attack and the infliction of injury, while on school property within the police jurisdiction of the city, or at any College-sponsored event or activity.


Gambling is not permitted on campus.

Hazing, Harassment, or Intimidation

Hazing, harassment and/or intimidation by students or any member of the College community is prohibited. Hazing, harassment or intimidation is defined as the use of physical force or any activity which might be perceived as jeopardizing the physical, moral and/or scholastic well-being of any individual. Hazing, harassment and/or intimidation includes (but is not necessarily limited to) any act or activity which causes fear or intimidation, embarrassment or ridicule, humiliation, endangerment, harm, mutilation, duress, defacement and/or destruction of property.

Cyber-bullying can be extremely damaging to an individual’s personal, professional and/or academic life, and as such is considered a form of harassment and/or intimidation. Virtual harassment and threats are no less serious than those made in person, and can be more devastating because of possible anonymity, public nature, audience size, and long lasting effects.

Cyber-bullying is defined as the use of the internet, cell phones or other technology to send or post text or images that have the effect of tormenting, threatening, harassing, humiliating, embarrassing or otherwise targeting another person. Huntingdon College is committed to providing an environment that is free from harassment of any kind. Harassment in any form diminishes dignity and impedes the basic tenets of equal access. The consequences of hazing, harassment and/or intimidation will be severe, and may result in suspension, probation, or expulsion from the College.

The intent of an act will not necessarily constitute a defense. If you or someone you know becomes a victim of hazing, harassment, intimidation and/or cyber-bullying, you should immediately contact the Dean of Students, Security, or one of the College’s non-professional counselors and advocates listed in the Sexual Misconduct Policy presented immediately following this section.

Illegal Activity

The following is considered prohibited conduct: violation of local, state, or federal laws. (Some examples include, but are not limited to: the possession, distribution, sale, or use of illegal drugs or narcotics; violation of federal, state, and local alcohol laws; illegal traffic in pharmaceuticals; moving vehicular offenses; driving while intoxicated; breaking and entering; larceny; assault; initiating false alarms; tampering with smoke alarms, other fire equipment, or the U.S. mail; forging, altering or unauthorized use of College documents, records, or instruments; unauthorized possession, distribution or use of keys to College or personal property; conviction of any felony and/or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.)


The College has deemed it unacceptable behavior to incite others to commit acts of the kinds herein prohibited.


Students are expected not to duplicate keys or use keys for any building, area, or room without proper authorization. Students are not to be in possession of any keys to College facilities which are not issued to them and must return keys issued when authorization expires.


Students shall treat the campus itself with respect, including the buildings and grounds. Proper disposal of trash is expected and students are encouraged to utilize the recycling bins available in the residence halls. Cigarette butts thrown on the ground will result in a $25 fine for the first incident and doubling to $50 for each additional incident. All debris from tobacco-related products including cigarette butts, saliva, papers and matches must be deposited in appropriate receptacles.

Violation of this policy will be considered littering or vandalism and be subject to local littering ordinances and College disciplinary action. In addition to the College’s policy that no alcohol is allowed on campus, no empty multi-service containers are allowed on campus, such as empty kegs, empty party balls, etc.


Students are expected to be considerate of the needs of others to have quiet in order to study and, in the residence halls, sleep. Students are also expected to allow others to express themselves and make noise in appropriate places and at appropriate times. The use of any amplification or musical system outdoors must be approved by the Dean of Students.

Physical Violence

Huntingdon College will not tolerate any act of violence, fighting, force, coercion, or threat: conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person; physical detainment of any person against his or her will; or possession, storage, use of, or attempt or threat to use any kind of ammunition, firecrackers, explosives, firearms, or illegal weapons.

Property Damage and Responsibility for Common Areas

Students are expected to respect others’ property and not damage the environment. Students damaging or defacing College property, the property of other students, or the environment are liable for damage done and also subject to disciplinary action. Students are expected to take every precaution to assure that common areas are not abused. In areas (such as a residence hall living unit) when individuals responsible for damages are not identified, community members will be held responsible for paying a prorated share of the cost of necessary repairs and fees.

Smoking/Tobacco Policy

“Smoking” or “smoke” includes the carrying, holding or possession of lighted smoking materials in any form, including but not limited to, the possession of lighted cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookahs or other tobacco products.

Huntingdon College is a “smoke-free” campus, including all College-owned facilities, properties, and grounds. Campus buildings include all structures on the campus of Huntingdon College including offices, classrooms and residence halls. Smoking is not permitted on campus.

An initial violation of the smoking policy will result in a warning; a $50 fine will be imposed for a second violation, with subsequent violations incurring greater penalties, including referral to the Judicial Board and possible loss of housing privileges on campus. Use of smokeless tobacco products in campus buildings, including residence halls, are prohibited

Solicitation and Merchandising

Unauthorized soliciting, merchandising, and canvassing on campus are prohibited. Permission for activity of this type must be obtained from the Dean of Students. Unauthorized activity of this type should be reported to the Campus Security Office.

Title IX Policy

Huntingdon College is committed to a policy against legally impermissible, arbitrary, or unreasonable discriminatory practices. Therefore, the College, in accordance with applicable federal and state law and stated College policy, prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, age and/or national origin. Title IX Information


The following is a violation of College policy: unauthorized entry into, presence in, seizure, or occupation of any College facility that is locked, closed to student activities, or otherwise restricted as to its use.

Unauthorized Entry & Egress and Invasion of Privacy

The following are considered prohibited conduct: violation of College rules, regulations, and expectations including, without limitation, those governing residence halls (such as published or contracted occupancy dates), dining facilities, student organizations, the use of College facilities; regulation of time, place, and manner of meeting or assembly; failure to comply with directions of a College official acting in the authorized performance of duty; failure to present proper identification upon proper request; or failure to comply with a subpoena duly issued by an officially recognized judicial body of the College.

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